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In the commitment with the country that welcomed to their ancestry, the Perosio to their arrival was devoted from sunrise to sunset to the hard and fertile task of long days, working the earth and looking for a better future for their children... They dreamt of a better country.

The Perosio was farming, employees, officials, merchants, industrial, formidable professionals. They also watered not alone this earth with their perspiration but also with their blood... Two facts also demonstrate the commitment with their country and they are part of our history.

Surprisingly in two periods of the history Argentine pointed out as infamous, two Perosio a man and a woman, they were murdered by their social commitment with the country that had welcomed their grandparents arrived to the country in different times... Both for the without reason of mean persons interests, the same enemy of the town. Surprisingly both trafficking the 30 years, in the fullness.

The first fact in 1930, during Hipólito Irigoyen's second presidency.

Domingo Luis Perosio, born 14 of September of 1897, work man and member of a characterized family of Rosario of Santa Fe, employee postcard, rail employee in the county of Santa Fe and farmer in the county of Córdoba, committed with the social reinvindicaciones of their town, it began to participate in the radicalism of Irigoyen.

Call to participate as official for their politic group the U.C.R, it was designated first as commissary of Rio Primero,Cordoba, in times where the police career didn't exist and the intendants chose those officials, chosen by their man qualities of well and with firm convictions, with the objective of guaranteeing the order during the elections of the county with antecedent of electoral frauds on behalf of the “conservatives”.

Despicably ambushed by assassins of the Democrata group ( “conservatives”) they murder it taking advantage of the confusion during a political meeting of that party in the square of the city of Santa Rosa of Calamuchita, on Sunday 20 of April of 1930.

Domingo Luis Perosio
Domingo Luis Perosio.

He left orphans to three very small children, the one bigger than 7 years.

The press headed by the Critica Newspaper of Buenos Aires and directed by Natalio Botana it published an armed and libelous version to destabilize to the ruling party in advance the fateful days of the military blow.

The newspaper of its city El Pueblo gave a portrait of its exemplary life.

Funeral in the cemetery of "El Salvador" in Rosario, the native city.

Four months later 6 of September of 1930 an authentic institutional catastrophe takes place. President Hipólito Yrigoyen is overthrown by a military blow headed by the general José Félix Uriburu. It was the first time in seventy years of institutional life that a president was expelled of the power. Troops of the Military School and of the School of Communications they occupied Government's House.

Yrigoyen that had delegated the control in vice-president Martínez, gives up and it is stopped. A lot of people in the streets greeted to the troops.

The Critica newspaper, promoter of the blow, ends up publishing 483.000 copies. Uriburu swears as provisional president and the Supreme Court legalizes the act. There are shootings in front of the Congress and eight people die.


The Martial Law is decreed, there are shootings, levellings, detention and it tortures of political and union leaders. The general Mosconi and Baldrich are stopped. Yrigoyen is investigated by a judge in its confinement of the island Martín García, in search of irregularities that never found.


The second fact during the military dictatorship of the decade of 1970.

Beatríz Leonor Perosio, she had been born in Buenos Aires 18 of August of 1948. It had been raised well in the heart of the Federal Capital.

Of very good educated family of Buenos Aires. She was a townwoman of pure stump of Palermo that until it played soccer with their neighborhood friends, of school religious but unbroken spirit, of singing their truths without respecting authoritarianism.

María Estela Martinez of Perón had been overthrown by the autodenominated Process of National Reorganization, the general Jorge R. Videla governed and organizing Argentina of the Championship of the World cup had been consecrated, world champion.

Beatríz Leonor Perosio, Missing during the dictatorship military in the Argentina, occupied the position of President of the Association of Psychologists from Buenos Aires (APBA) from 1977 and of the Federation of Psychologists of the Argentine Republic (FePRA), to the moment of being kidnapped 8 of August of 1978 of the Garden of Infants that she had been founded with another partner, to form children that thought and they had critical conscience, she had thirty and one years and single. She left a note to a colleague friend giving details of the place to where supposedly it would be transferred.

Beatriz Leonor Perosio.

From that moment more news of her were not had. Starting from that fact, The A.P.B.A like F.E.P.R.A and the C.G.P they were pronounced on that happened, they carried out diverse administrations in the face of the justice, before the national and international press, before organisms of human rights and entities of the psychology so much national as of the foreigner, everything in a to work group with their family. Everything with negative results.

The country still celebrated the obtaining of the world championship of soccer and it disbelieved of the news that arrived from the exterior of concentration fields...

As final analogy both crimes were unpunished...

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