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Giuseppe Perosio

cav. Giuseppe Perosio

Cav. Giuseppe Perosio

Was born in Crocefieschi, Italy on May 16, 1844, son of Luigi of Antonio Maria and Gioconda Crocco, nine sons.

Father of director of orchestra and composer Ettore and brother of the painter Clemente Perosio.

Good amateur baritone, music critic of the "Corriere Mercantile of Genoa", correspondent of the "Gazzetta di Milano" 1866-1902) and "Perzeveranza."

"Perosio was a profound connoisseur music, a opinion that everyone listened and took into great consideration.

His musical culture had no limit, there was no old or modern opera that did not know and piece of music that will not save in her brain and her comment.

When talking with Perosio of music history often gave us left us open-mouthed. He had a great memory, rich in anecdotes and ingenious insight that was a delight listen.

Caffaro, September 8, 1922.(3)

Journalist, writer, novelist, playwright, Ricordi representative agent in Genoa and the Italian Society of Authors, sectional Genoa, with frequent relationship through their letters with Giuseppe Verdi(1).

After writing in 1865 a work of historical argument, on the figure of Simon Boccanegra first Duke of Genoa, published in 1875 by Ricordi a booklet entitled "A brief biography of Giuseppe Verdi followed by a brief analysis of the opera Aida and Requiem Mass ".

Verdi received a copy of the study and after reading it expressed its satisfaction with the engineer Giuseppe De Amicis (cousin of the writer Edmondo), his business lawyer in Genoa (2).

It was an opportunity that allowed Giuseppe Perosio, Verdi direct knowledge, as he relates in "Ricordi Verdiani" (3), his posthumously published manuscript.

A complete biography of the master Giuseppe Verdi, which used in the future who want to write the Swan of Busseto.

Also wrote and published books and several opera libretti, including:

"Benvenuto Cellini", a lyric drama in 4 acts, 1865, 39 pages, represented at the Theater Politeama on May 20, 1877 , Emilio Bozzano music.

On June 20, 1872, at the Theater Doria of Genoa, was on stage, “Djem la zingara”, a play in three acts and a prologue, his script is based on the novel La belle Ferronniere, of A. Blanquet, directed by M. Monleone and music Emilio Bozzano(1845-1918).

The opera was well received by public criticism, and particularly in the Corriere Mercantile of Genova on 21 and 27 June, where, despite some reservations about the symphony as "perhaps too colossal," musical taste was detected of Bozzano, who had assimilated the stylistic trends of Donizetti, Verdi, Gounod "... without being a plagiarist ... all in reconciling and merging with their talent"

The success of the work remained unchanged, even in later posts.

"Lorenzino de Medici": lyrical drama in four acts by Giuseppe Perosio and Romualdo Marenco, publ. 1874 Lodi, Tip. Wilmante and 1875 Milan: Music Estab.Lucca.

Brief biography of Giuseppe Verdi's opera Aida followed by a brief analysis and the Requiem Mass, 1875, Est. Ricordi , 27 pages.

Bonifazio Calvi, the Genoese history of the thirteenth century, 210 pages. : Printing & Lithograph Peter Pellas was Luigi, Genoa, Publication date1882.

"Ricordi Verdiani", Giuseppe Verdi in private life, 103 pages, unpublished manuscript published at the author's death in Genoa on September 7 , 1922 and published a few years later, in 1928 by Cesare Gotusso initiative.

verdi- simon boccanegra
Bonifazio Calvi - G.Perosio.
Ricordi verdiani- G.Perosio.


The Librarian, Dr. Flavio Menardi Noguera, City of Finale Ligure, Genoa Italy.

"The letters of Giuseppe and Giuseppina Verdi to Giuseppe Perosio", new review of musical studies, Pisa, 1/1 (1977), pp.47-67 and 108.(1)

Verdi: interviews and meetings, Marcello Conatti , (2000) 504 pages (2)

"Masters of Italian music of the nineteenth century, biographical" - Giovanni Masutto.

"Politeama Genovese. History 1870-1895", Genoa 1895, pp.. 42-170.

Encyclopedia "Memories of Music", I, Milan 1963.

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