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"They have come in thousands. Many stayed in Buenos Aires and others were distributed in all country, especially in the provinces of Santa Fe and Mendoza. Almost all, young people, strong, healthy of body and spirit, willing to work, to prosper and to contribute in the progress of this country that offered everybody hospitality and sympathy. A lot . of them married local women and their descendants are participants and main actors of all fundamental activities and expressions of progress, culture, character and of the destiny of the nation. Their children will govern us."

Domingo F. Sarmiento, president of the Republic of Argentina from 1868 to 1874, from "Argentina, the other country of Italians" by Manrique Zago.

Arribo de inmigrantes In a first emigration some members of Perosio's family emigrated from Liguria (in that time it was part of Sardegna).

Then Liguria was parts of Italian Kingdom and today is part of Italian Republic.

The intention of this site is to make a general report of the descendants, also to elaborate the genealogy of all the Perosio's family tree wherever they are in the world.

We will be able to be in contact with those proudly have the same last name and to reconstruct lost family bonds and to re-do the history of those pioneers as well as to establish bonds with the descendants of those that remained in Italy.

Genealogical trees:

Here you can find a list of the genealogical trees available in our database.

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Recommended Links:

Apellidos italianos
El anillo
Grupo ArgenGen
Comune di Bogliasco

Alta Valle Scrivia
Family Search

Comune di Busalla
Fotos del valle de Scrivia

Genealogía Familiar

Milagro Lloréns 2014 miparentela - Top 50
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