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Perosio´s Restaurant

Kitchen of restaurant Perosio

In the 40´s a famous restaurant of called Italian food worked PEROSIO. It begins their activity in the street Federico Lacroze 2720, the success is that they decide to move to full center of the city, first in the street Caravels and later in continuous expansion to the street Suipacha, almost North Diagonal corner.

Visited by employees of the area that went hasty to delight in the lunch with their memorable delights.

Their you celebrate vermichelis, milanesas or pucheros and the careful attention, they converted it instead of writers, encounter, professionals, doctors and celebrities of the time..

The famous writer of the Argentinean literature Adolfo Bioy Casares, mentions it in his "Dictionary of the exquisite Argentinean".

As sample of the diverse thing of their clientele: Writer Adolfo Bioy Casares, the famous speaker Antonio Carrizo, "The monkey Gatica" famous Argentinean boxer, he used to put to a stopped waiter on a tray and he lifted it as if it was the source of the vermichelis, Agatah Galiffi, that beautiful woman well-known as "The flower of the mafia". Countless characters of the time...

He ended up having 110 employees, their propietrors were Albino Pedro and their brother Marcos. Albino Pedro gets sick of the heart, being the restaurant in Marcos's sons's hands: Mario and Italo. They sell the Restaurant, with the name included "Perosio" that closes definitively to the few years.

Their ancestors was natives of Ronco Scrivia, Genoa, Italy.

Mario Perosio
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