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Albino Marco Aurelio Perosio

Professor Dr. Albino Marco Aurelio Perosio (15/1/1924-2/5/2001). Grateful Medical Argentinean cardiologist. He made their primary and secondary studies in the school La Salle of Buenos Aires. He was formed in the stimulating academic climate of the Hospital of Clinical of the city of Buenos Aires. In 1951 and 1952 it was one of the first Medical Residents of Medical Clinic of the country, in a time in the one that the whole system of Residences was newly in gestation.

It was creative (with the Dr. José Burucúa) of one of the first laboratories of Hemodynamic in Argentina, in the Institute of Semiología of the Hospital of Clinical, and it was pioneer in the development and the diffusion in our country of the Phonomecanic cardiography, mother of the techniques of diagnosis non intrusive disciplines in Cardiology.

In l987 it gave up the position of Regular Professor of the 6ta Class of Medicine, position for which made an effort all their life, in disagreement with the effective university politicians.

In the Sociedad Argentina of Cardiology he had an intense participation that culminated with their presidential administration in 1971 and their performance like Vice-president of VIII World Congress of Cardiology carried out in 1974 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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