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Alberto Domingo Perosio

Alberto Domingo Perosio

Alberto Domingo Perosio

Mr. Alberto Domingo Perosio (1922-2007), merchant for many years in the automobilistic commerce, had an attitude compromised and noticeable with the society that saw it to grow and to prosper in Resistencia Chaco, in the Argentine Republic.

Its ancestros were of Busalla in the High Valley Scrivia and pioneers in the I arrive to America there for 1861.

From young n was a sportsman amateur practicing the sport that loved, the basquetbol in his beloved city of Saenz Peña .

He was part the history of one of the most important clubs of the county of Chaco , the Hindu Club, of the city of Resistencia protagonist of large facts in that institution, to becoming one of the most important of the region.

He formed part of the first teams of the club, even in the birth of the “Confederacy of Basketball of Chaco” .

Defender of the sport amateur, he did not spare efforts to develop the most various sports, with the institutional growth as base of an expansion that permitted him to include an unique Sports Center in the region.

It was one of the members of the group that signed documents compromising its own patrimony to buy the initial land of the complex.

Distinguished by the "Circle of Sports Journalists of Chaco" December 7, 1994 at the party annual of the provincial sport.

It occupied all the charges, from president in three periods, secretary, treasurer, vocal, or as in the present managing commission where was member of the Organ of Overseeing.

The ownership of the club exercised it between April 1, 1969 and March 30, 1979.

Then was it also between the 04-06-84 and 02-07-86 and finally between the 12-08-88 and the 05-06-90.

Exemplary father, honest merchant, tireless fighter, an exemplary symbol for all the sports leadership of the region.

December 26, 2006 passed away.

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