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The Perosio from Russia

In the year 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed by himself King of Italy and Emperor of France.

Napoleón Bonaparte

Napoleón Bonaparte

He append the Ligurian Republic (Genova) to his kingdom. On June 1812, Bonaparte assembled for the Russian?s invasion , the biggest army seen in Europe.

More than 600000 men from France and their allies, supported by 1000 canyons, marched through Oriental Europe and Russia. They were men from Poland, Italy, Bavaria, Hesse, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Westphalia, Wurtemberg, Baden, Switzerland, Croatia, Berg, Naples and Mecklenberg. Also, there were Austrians and Prussians. The Kingdom of Italy contributed with 27000 men.

Bonaparte's army advanced looking for the front crash with the Russian army. To the front of the Russian troops it was the marshal Mikhail Kutuzov. They had a different strategy. They had to their favor millions of residents and the immensity of their territory.

They wanted to await the winter. The French moved forward and the Russian went back without presenting battle. They only presented isolated combats. The Russian followed the politics of burnt earth (they razed everything in their setback for not leaving anything to the French). Napoleon despaired. During weeks they only got rid small battles as that of Smolensko. Bonaparte's army lost soldiers' thousands.

In a first instance the emperor Alexander I (1777-1825) ) escapes but before he sets on fire Moscow. Then Napoleon occupies Moscow during 5 weeks. But Bonaparte's troops were not well provisioned and decimated by the intense cold of the Russian winter.

Great Army in Moscow

Great Army in Moscow

Then they had to oust Moscow, undertaking the retreat from Russia. That ended up to become a disastrous scattering, after the drops inflicted by their enemy, the disaster of Beresina, the famine and the Russian winter...

Only 75000 men of the great army returned...

Meantime in the small riverside village of Bogliasco, neighbor to Genova, Perosio?s family lived there three centuries ago ...



In these time , Paolo Perosio marries with María Venturi, they emigrate to Russia and resided in Odessa, important port on the Black Sea (at the moment Ukraine).

The Perosio's mansion in Odessa Ukraine

The Perosio's mansion in Odessa Ukraine

Nikolay Pavlovich Perosio (b. Bogliasco 1819 - d. Genoa 1877), son of Nicola and Maria Venturi

He was economic writer in famous magazines of Saint Petersburg, writing partner and friend of Dostoevskiy, Tolstoy and Leskow.

Nikolay Pavlovich Perosio

Nikolay Pavlovich Perosio

Their professional performance was developed during the emperor's government Alejandro II (1818-1881) The liberator", the son bigger than Nicolás I.He was born April 17, 1818 in Moscow. After their father's death, he occupied the throne on February 19 , 1855. He was crowned August 26,1856 in the Cathedral of Dormition in the Kremlin of Moscow.

Alejandro II

Alexander II

Alexander II took to end important reformations and notables as the abolition of the servitude, changes in the army, the state organization, etc. Russia braked the foreign expansion and it concentrated on strengthening its frontiers.

The prince Pavel Pavlovich Gagarin (1789-1872) was the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers from March 7, 1868 to March 4 1872, designated by emperor Alexander II.

Prince Pavel Pavlovich Gagarin

Prince Pavel Pavlovich Gagarin

Nikolay Pavlovich Perosio was his secretary for more than 15 years soon after his culture and the flowing knowledge of 12 languages.

He married first with María Zataevich and in second wedlock with Luisa Anderson.

After the prince's death Gagarin, decides to return to the homeland , next to its sons, he resides in Genoa and the death surprises him the May 28 ,1877, in your residence of Via Assaratti

To their death your son Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio, return to Saint Petersburg and your brother Vasily Nikolayevich Perosio, live in Genoa

Nikolay Pavlovich Perosio, we know about 3 of their sons:

1.- Olga Nikolaevna Perosio Perosio (b.1856-d.1937) born in Genoa, married in Saint Petersburg with Michail Stukovenko, had a daughter

Michail Stukovenko, tuvieron una hija :

a.- Elizabeta Michajlovna Stukovenko married in first wedlock with Evgenij Petrovich Karcev (b.1861-d.1917) in Saint Petersburg and in second wedlock with the prince Nikolay Sayn-Wittgenstein in Capri in 1927.

2.- Vasilij Nikolayevich Perosio born in 1860 in Saint Petersburg, who decides to stay, married with Egizia Castagnola (29-4-1882) in Genoa they has three children, Liona,Vladimiro and Dina, their descending live in Italy.

Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio and your son Nikolay Ivanovich

Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio and your son Nikolay Ivanovich

3.- Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio (1860-1927) born in Saint Petersburg, publicist he decides to be resided in Saint Petersburg and he marries in first wedlock with a citizen french of last name Davout and in second wedlock with Gliceria Comaleuco, had two children of your first woman:

a.- Nikolay Ivanovich Perosio (1883-1954) geologist, married with Evgenia Ivanova and it dies in Rostov on Don and whose descendant still lives in Novosibirsk (Siberia), Moscow , Warsaw (Poland) and Paris (France), was the father of important geology, Galina Perozio.

Nikolay Ivanovich Perosio

Nikolay Ivanovich Perosio

Evgenia Ivanovna and your daughter Galina Perozio

Evgenia Ivanovna and your daughter Galina Perozio

b.- Evgenia Ivanovna Perosio (x-1941) b. San Petersburgo, died in Leningrad.

Davout and your daughter Evgenia

Davout and your daughter Evgenia.

Evgenia Ivanovna Perosio

Evgenia Ivanovna Perosio.

Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio decides for politic reasons emigrate to Italy next to his sister Olga Nikolaevna Perosio and his niece widow Elizabeta Stukovenko to the island of Capri.

Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio

Ivan Nikolayevich Perosio

He died October 16, 1927 in Capri.

Bibliography and sources

Civil registration of Capri. "Historia de la Rusia"- Jean Marie Chopin -Colaborador Editores del Guardia Nacional, Imprenta del Guardia Nacional.
Publicado por Imprenta del Guardia Nacional, 1839
Procedente de Biblioteca de Catalunia
Digitalizado el 4 Sep 2008

"Russia in the Nineteenth Century .Autocracy, Reform, and Social Change, 1814-1914"
Alexander Polunov, edited for Thomas C. Owen, Larissa Zakharova, Marshall S. Shatz
Translated for Marshall S. Shatz

"Dilemmas of Russian Capitalism" - Thomas Owen.
Published for Harvard University Press, 2005

"The end of imperial Russia, 1855-1917"
Peter Waldron, Publisher for Palgrave Macmillan, 1997

"Forestieri dell'est a Capri .Testimonianze malinconiche" - Michael Talalay

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