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Rosa Perosio

In the fascinating history of the celebrated Galileo Galilei we will find an onlooker fact in their descendants...

Galileo Galilei was born at Pisa february 18 1564, the first of seven sons from Giulia Ammannati and Vincenzio Galilei, both belonging to the middle bourgeoisie.

The its first inquiries in the field of the physics carried it, between the 83 and the 86, to determine the specific weight of the bodies means an I devise called 'bilancetta', like to a tool already in use I press the merchants goldsmiths. In the year 88 it gave also a test of the actual literary erudition with of the lessons on Giving lieutenants I press the Florentine Academy.   

In the year 89, although it did not be graduated itself, thanks to the esteem and to the reputation that it is earned I press certain fringes of the academic world he obtains the chair of Mathematics to the University of Pisa, a work that the it assured the economical independence from the father.

Galileo Galilei

To Pisa Galileo rhymed 3 years, during which discovered the law of fall of the serious.  But the period more good weather and profitable of its life passed it how teaching of mathematics I press the University of Padua, where it is transferred in 1592 and where rhymed for 18 years.  Here it continued its studies of mechanic and of astronomy, in the field of which embraced the theory of  Copernico.  
From 1609 it began to perfect and to use the telescope like tool for the astronomical observations.  The telescope is not an invention of Galileo (Dutch craftsmen and Italians of it already had prepared different types) but the enhancement that the scientist brought inaugurated yourselves the period of the large astronomical discoveries, of whom the same Galilei gave announcement in the Sidereus Nuncius (astronomical Comparison) of 1610). .

The four satellite elders of Jupiter, the mountains and the craters of the Moon, the blot solariums, had been phenomena until then strangers that awakened wonder and admiration a lot in the academic world (Kepler it recognized and confirmed the importance of the discoveries of Galilei), how much in certain political environment (Cosimo of Medici named it mathematical of the study of Pisa), but also obstructionism and resentment aside of the ecclesiastical hierarchies of the followers of Aristoteles.

In 1616 the Saint Office put to the indicator is the copernic cosmology, is the works of Galileo, which it came convened in Rome to justify his opinions.  Here its attempt to defend the astronomical conceptions copernicane (and the actual) as harmless towards the Bible, it came rejected and the scientist was summoned not to practice the more.

Galileo continued nevertheless to deepen and to broaden its studies and, in 1623, argued with the father jesuit Orazio Grassi care to the nature of the comets and to problems of order metodologic.

Always in the '23 ascended to the throne pontifical Urbano VIII, a Barberini that is shown available in its comparisons, until actual to the former cardinal, enlightened spirit and open to the scientific speech. 
In 1632 it published the Conversation above the two greatest systems of the world, a fundamental text for the modern science in which Galileo, under an apparent neutrality, gave I stand out at the astronomy of Copernico to detriment of the ptolemaic one. 

Because of the flu of some fathers jesuits, in 1633, Galileo it came  tried and sentenced to the prison to life from the Saint Office, a trouble from whose it was able to save itself alone renouncing his theories.

The prison to life was so commuted in isolation, that Galileo deducted first in the palace of the archbishopric of Siena and then in its “Villa de Arcetri”.

Villa in Arcetri where Galileo spent his last years under house arrest.

It died at Florence the 8 January 1642, surrounded by students and in the almost total blindness.  Galileo Galilei formally was acquitted from the alone accusation of heresy in 1992, three hundred fifty years after its death...

A great-grandson of Galileo Galilei born the 24-1-1669 married with Rosa Perosio, they had two sons Carlo and Cosimo, without descent.

Family tree of the family Galilei.


Family Tree :Page 386 of the volume XV" ( book number 15 ) of " The works of Galileo Galilei" since the Societa Editrice Fiorentina of Firenze in the year 1836.

Contribution of Mauro Risani of Cairo Montenotte Italy


1.-Galileo: “His life and work”
John Fahie - Biography & Autobiography – 2005

2.-“Le opere di Galileo Galilei”
Societa Editrice Fiorentina

Autori:Galileo Galilei, Eugenio Albèri, Celestino Bianchi, Vincenzio Viviani

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