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Don José Natalio Perosio - The “light” of the town

In the small city of President Derqui in the county of Buenos Aires, Argentina, a lot before the official entities gave electric power, a characterized neighbor worried that the town had electric light. We refer to José Natalio Perosio (1903-1958), son of Natalino Perosio and Catalina Massa.

He studied bookkeeping, radio and mechanics. He put their knowledge to the service of the community. He carried out the spreading of the wired at eight surrounding blocks to Avenue of May and San Martin where the first electric group that he also built worked.

This factory powerwd by motor was impelled with gasoil. It was built with a motor Ford that was replaced three times during the fifteen years in that it served. The motor possessed 14 HP.

The energy began to be provided at dusk and at 23:45 o'clock he gave its classic sign with a blink in the current to be turned off the generator a midnight. Some neighbors remember that during the dance nights in the Club Union, near to Don José Perosio's home, the service was prolonged up to the 3 of the dawn. Hour in the one which, by means of three successive courts the end of the supply was announced.

It was very difficult to verify the consumption for what the users made a small contribution volunteer, regrettably an excessive overload for illegal connections caused an explosion of the generator in a year 1940. The electric power newly was provided by a government enterprise in the year 1942.

Don José Perosio in the tavern of the Club Union - year 1957.
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